Welcome to UK Agility International (UKI)
Hello Agility Enthusiasts!
Welcome to UKI! As an agility organization, what we have to offer is unique! Our aim is to continually strive for the betterment of agility competition and training for all dogs. We also aim to provide trials at which all competitors - whether they are weekend ‘just-wanna-have-fun-with-my-dog’ enthusiasts or die-hard professional agility competitors – are catered for.
UK Agility International is run by Greg and Laura Derrett, two internationally recognised and renowned competitors and trainiers. As competitors and trainers we understand the need for quality events that encourage excellence in competition but also the environment that encourages good dog training practices where dogs can be rewarded for correct behaviour. We have used the years of agility competitor needs and our strong understanding of the advances in dog training, to design the ultimate in agility competition and event running.
Become a UKI registered member now. Online registration is only $15 per handler and $15 per dog!